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Shenzhen JieTeng Precision Electronics Co.,Ltd 
Contact: Sophia Wen
Tel:  +86-755-23500787           
Fax: +86-755-27099486
Mobile: +86-18165787526 
Skype ID:  JTPCB
  • 2019-08-23 High-frequency Plate Dielectric Material List

    Contact way Shenzhen JieTeng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd. Contact Person: Sophia Wen Mobile:13510797526 Q Q: 3342625352 Phone:0755-23500...

  • 2019-08-23 High-frequency material type and thickness of ...

    1. JieTeng Electronics Business scope (1) . 1-12 layers high frequency plate proofing and batch. 2. The product features (1). Models complete, the domestic microwave F4B taixing, i...

  • 2019-08-15 Microwave Radio-Frequency (RF) PCB

    Microwave or Radio-Frequency ( RF ) PCB both belong to high frequency PCB , Radio-frequency (RF) and microwave (MW) circuits can be found in countless wireless products from handheld devices for medi...

  • 2019-08-16 Rogers Microwave Radio-Frequency PCB

    Rogers PCB , High Frequency PCB, RF PCB (Enquiry please send to ) Supporting the military is something JieTeng Electronics is very proud of, and we were contracted to asse...

  • 2019-08-15 Taconic Microwave Radio-Frequency PCB

    Taconic PCB Taconic PCB (Enquiry please send to ) Taconic PCB A leader in the development and manufacture of advanced engineered composite materials. By pioneering the man...

  • 2019-08-16 Arlon Microwave Radio-Frequency PCB

    Arlon PCB ( Any Arlon PCB Enquiry Please send mail to ) Arlon PCB Materials for Electronics (MED) is a Division of Arlon LLC a major manufacturer of specialty high performan...

  • 2019-08-16 Nelco Microwave Radio-Frequency PCB

    nelco pcb materia Nelco PCB ( Any Nelco PCB Enquiry Please send mail to ) Nelco PCB Laminate often choose by our Europes customer, so we have prepared a sufficient convent...

  • 2019-08-16 F4B / F4BM Microwave Radio-Frequency PCB

    Teflon woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates with high permittivity F4BM-1/2 This product is formulated with varnished glass cloth, prepreg and Teflon resin through scientific formulation and stric...

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Shenzhen  JieTeng  Precision  Electronics  Co.,  Ltd.

Address:No.26, SongRui Road, SongGang Town, BanAn District, Shenzhen, China.

Factory:  1st Building, HwaHong Tech Park, No.54, GuangTian Road, LuoTian Village, 

Factory:  2nd Building, ChaoChang Tech Park, No.8, GuangTian Road, LuoTian Village, 

Phone:0755-23500787                  Fax:0755-27099486

