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泰康尼克微波射频板 Taconic Microwave RF PCB

发布日期:2019-08-15 13:07:09


www.jtpcb.com.cn _ Taconic PCB

Taconic PCB

Taconic PCB (Enquiry please send to  Sales@jtpcb.com.cn  )


Taconic PCB A leader in the development and manufacture of advanced engineered composite materials. By pioneering the manufacture of PTFE coated fabrics and other high-temperature/non-stick materials, Taconic has become a leading supplier to the food processing industry. They also supply a wide range of coated materials, including tapes, fabrics and belts for a wide variety of industrial applications.


The company’s Advanced Dielectric Division supplies high-quality circuit board materials to the fast growing wireless communications industry. Today, Taconic’s commitment to customer service and the production of high-quality, reliable materials as well as its ability to keep pace with changing industry needs distinguish it as a leader in materials supply.


Microwave and RF PCB applications need laminates with electrical, thermal, mechanical, or performance characteristics that exceed standard FR-4 materials. Taconic, Arlon, Teflon, RogersNelco PCB Material all belong to Mircrowave / RF PCB Material .


If you want to find other high frequency PCB material , Then you come to right place,  Dupont PCB, Taconic PCB, Arlon PCBRogers PCBNelco PCB, Teflon PCB, Normally we have material on stock , If special Part number,  We can buy material for you. Donot wait , Send inquiry to  Sales@jtpcb.com.cn  , JIeTeng Electronics will be your good PCB Manufacturer.

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www.jtpcb.com.cn _ Taconic Microwave Radio-Frequency PCB

      Shenzhen JieTeng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd.
      Contact Person: Sophia Wen
       Q     Q: 3342625352
      Fax:      0755-27099486
      E-mail: MKT@JTPCB.COM.CN     
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地  址:深圳市宝安区松岗镇松瑞路26号
厂址2:深圳市宝安区松岗镇罗田社区广田路  8号潮常科技园2栋

电  话:0755-23500787              传 真:0755-27099486     
Email:sales@jtpcb.com.cn            market@jtpcb.com.cn  

网 址: www.jtpcb.com.cn