

  • 2019-08-10 电路板制作 PCB Fabrication

    Printed Circuit Board Fabrication Why Choose JieTeng Electronics PCB Fabrication Service? JieTeng Electronics company offers advanced circuits PCB fabrication service, providing consis...

  • 2019-08-08 电路板原型 PCB Prototype

    Prototype PCB Fabrication & Assembly - Borderless Printed Circuit Boards Borderless PCBs - PCB Prototyping (Enquiry please send to Sales@jtpcb.com.cn ) At JieTeng Electronics we have dev...

  • 2019-08-09 快板 Express PCBs

    Express Printed Circuit Boards Manufacturing Service ( Enquiry please send to Sales@jtpcb.com.cn ) JieTeng Electronics provides hobbyist and engineers from around the world with high-quality Quic...

  • 2019-08-11 大中小批量电路板生产 High Volume PCB...

    High Volume PCB Manufacturing Find a High Volume PCB Manufacturer and Supplier. Choose Quality High Volume PCB Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters at www.JTPCB.com.cn . Welcome to send your...

  • 2019-08-04 厚铜板 Heavy Copper PCB

    Heavy Copper PCB are printed circuit boards with 3 or more ounces of finished copper in the inner and/or outer layers. While there is no standard definition of Heavy Copper, it is generally acc...

  • 2019-08-10 高多层板 Multilayer PCB

    Manufacturing Multilayer PCBs (Up to 64 Layers) The demand for multilayer PCBs has been on the rise. The drive for electronics to be smaller, faster, and more powerful has made the multilayer PC...

  • 2019-08-13 HDI 高密度互连电路板

    HDI_Microvia_PCBs HDI Microvia PCBs -HIGH DENSITY INTERCONNECT (Enquiry pls send to sales@jtpcb.com.cn ) HDI PCB boards, one of the fastest growing technologies in PCBs, are now available a...

  • 2019-08-14 软硬结合板 Rigid Flex PCB

    Rigid-flex_PCB Rigid Flex PCB Manufacturing (Enquiry please send to sales@jtpcb.com.cn ) Rigid flex PCB have been used in the military and aerospace industries for more than 20 years. In m...

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