Double Sided PCB, Copper is applied to both sides of the substrate. In lower cost electronic gadgets the PCB may have copper on only one side. also name 2 Layer PCB or Double Layer PCB .

Double Sided PCBs ( 2 layer PCB also known as Double-Sided Plated Thru ) circuits are the gateway to higher electronic device applications. They allow for closer routing traces by alternating between a top and bottom layer using PCB vias. Today, double sided printed circuit board technology is perhaps the most popular type of PCB in the industry. 60% in all types of Printed circuit boards is Double Sided PCB.
Double Sided PCB manufacturing flow chart :

What kinds of Double Sided PCB JieTeng Electronics manufacture ?
Copper Thickness Up to 20oz
Board Thickness: 0.1mm - 5.6mm
Max Lenght: 1.2M .
Material: FR4 , Rogers , Taconic, Aluminum ....
Min hole size: 0.2mm
JieTeng Electronics have more than 20 years Double Sided PCB Manufacturing experiences , As a Double sided PCB Maker, We manufacture mix volume PCB from Prototype to high volume Double layer PCB, Welcome to Send your PCB Files to , Get competitive Double Sided PCB price today !
Shenzhen JieTeng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Sophia Wen
Q Q: 3342625352
Fax: 0755-27099486

文章关键词:双面板 Double Sided PCB