


灯板 Led PCB

发布日期:2019-08-11 01:46:58


www.jtpcb.com.cn _ LED PCB

Led PCB Board

      JieTeng Electronics is Led PCB manufacturer,We donot sell Led Lamp , but strongly support LED industry, We do much research on how to control heat conduction and how to improve led lumen. If you are Led manufacturer or you want to produce some special Led (Like Outdoor Led screen) , Welcome to contact Us, We will give perfect solution for your prodcuts. 

        We offer all kinds of LED PCB Product. For High-Power LED of the Aluminum Base PCB, copper base PCB, ceramic base PCB, for low-power LED of the FR4 PCB, High-Temperature PCB. As the Aluminum Base PCB of good thermal performance, High-Power LED products most commonly used Aluminum Base PCB.

       We can give different Solder mask options for your Led PCB ,We do lots of R&D on Led PCB solder mask  Lumens to give your Led lights better brightness .

          The Applications of LED PCB Circuit Board 

       The Led benefits  make LED printed circuit boards very desirable for a number of applications and industries. Some of the more prominent applications of Aluminum LED PCB Circuit Board include:

     Telecom LED PCB:  Telecommunications equipments often uses LED indicators and displays, and because of the surrounding machinery, the improved heat transfer ability of Aluminum LED PCB is extremely useful in this application. Improved durability and decreased weight also make these aluminum PCB LED quite desirable within telecommunications applications. Not only that, but Led Metal core PCBs are commonly used in other components of telecommunications equipment as well, including filtering appliances and high-frequency amplifiers.

          Automotive LED PCB: You can also find Led Aluminum PCB Board in cars on indicators, in headlights and brake lights, and other applications. The durability, longevity and relatively low price makes these Led aluminum PCB ideal within the automotive industry. Their applications don’t end at LED either – aluminum PCBs are commonly used within electronic regulators and power controllers.

          Computer Led PCB: LED displays and indicators are becoming increasingly common within computer applications, and the heat sensitivity of computer machinery makes Led PCB  the ideal solution. In addition to LED applications, computer parts like power devices, floppy drives and CPU boards are commonly use aluminum LED PCBs because of their ability to handle and transfer heat.

        Medical LED PCB: Lighting tools used in surgeries and medical examinations commonly use high-powered LED lights, and these LED lights often use aluminum PCBs. This is primarily due to the durability and heat transfer capabilities of aluminum PCB LEDs — this ensures medical equipment is functioning properly regardless of the number of patients cycling through a medical office. In addition to lighting tools, medical scanning technology often uses aluminum PCBs as well.

         Led PCB Products :  Led Tube , Outdoor LED advertising screen, LED Lamp, Waterproof Led , 1.5m Led and so on .


         Led PCB Materials We support :

         FR4 PCB Raw Material

         CEM-1 PCB Raw Material

         CEM-3 PCB Raw Material

         Aluminum PCB Material

         Copper Core PCB Material

         Ceramic Base PCB Material


         Led PCB Solder Mask We support :

www.jtpcb.com.cn _ LED PCB 2

LED PCB Solder Mask

www.jtpcb.com.cn _ LED PCB 3

Super White Taiyo LED PCB

           Lan-Bang Solder Mask LED PCB            Milk Supper White  Taiyo LED PCB

        LED PCB  Solder Mask Color :  White , Black, Matte Black......

      If you need Led PCB , Please send your LED PCB Files to sales@jtpcb.com.cn  , We will give the best solution to you .


      Shenzhen JieTeng Precision Electronics Co., Ltd.
      Contact Person: Sophia Wen
       Q     Q: 3342625352
      Fax:      0755-27099486
      E-mail: MKT@JTPCB.COM.CN    
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